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List of Publications and Conference Proceedings of Francesco MAINARDI

[149] E. Capelas de Oliveira, F. Mainardi and J. Vaz Jr:

“Models based on Mittag-Leffler functions for anomalous relaxation in dielectrics”,

The European Physical Journal, Special Topics, Vol. 193, pp. 161-171 (2011).



[148] F. Mainardi and G. Spada:

“Creep, relaxation and viscosity properties for basic fractional models in rheology”,

The European Physical Journal, Special Topics, Vol. 193, pp. 133-160 (2011).


[147] R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi:

“Subordination pathways to fractional diffusion”,

The European Physical Journal, Special Topics, Vol. 193, pp. 119-132 (2011).



[146] C.P. Li and F. Mainardi: “Editorial”,

The European Physical Journal, Special Topics, Vol. 193, pp. 1-4 (2011). Special issue on Fractional Dynamics and Control,

Guest Editors: Changpin Li and Francesco Mainardi.


[145] Yu. Luchko, F. Mainardi and S. Rogosin:

“Professor Rudolf Gorenflo and his contribution to fractional calculus”,

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 14 No.1, pp. 3-18 (2011).

(Issue devoted to the 80th Anniversary of Prof. R. Gorenflo,

Guest Editors: Virginia Kiryakova, Yury Luchko, Francesco Mainardi, Blas Vinagre, Igor Podlubny, Yang Quan Chen)


[144] J. Tenreiro Machado, V. Kiryakova and F. Mainardi:

“Recent history of fractional calculus”, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., Vol. 16, pp. 1140-1153 (2011) doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2010.05.027


[143] J. Tenreiro Machado, V. Kiryakova and F. Mainardi:

"A poster about the old history of fractional calculus".

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 13 No.4, pp. 447-454 (2010).


[142] J. Tenreiro Machado, V. Kiryakova and F. Mainardi:

“Recent history of fractional calculus”,

Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.  Vol. 16, pp. 1140-1153 (2011).



[141] J. Tenreiro Machado, V. Kiryakova and F. Mainardi: “

“A poster about the recent history of fractional calculus”.

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 13 No.3, pp. 329-334 (2010).


[140]  F. Mainardi, A. Mura and G. Pagnini:

“The M Wright function in time-fractional diffusion processes: a tutorial survey”, International Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2010, Article ID 104505, 29 pages. doi:10.1155/2010/104505 .

Electronic Journal, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, special issue for Fractional Differential Equations



 [139]  G. Pagnini and  F. Mainardi:

Evolution equations of the probabilistic generalization of the Voigt profile function”, Journal of Computational and Applied  Mathematics, Vol. 233 No 6, 1590-1595  (2010).   [doi:10.1016/]

E-print   9 pages (Mathematical Physics)


[138]  F. Mainardi, A. Mura, F. Tampieri:

“Brownian motion and anomalous diffusion revisited via a fractional Langevin equation”, Modern Problems of Statistical Physics,  Vol 8, pp. 3-23 (2009).

A journal founded to the memory of Prof. Ascold N. Malakhov,  see  E-print


[137] R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi:

“Some recent advances in theory and simulation of  fractional diffusion processes”,

Journal of  Computational and Applied Mathematics,  Vol. 229 No 2, 400-415 (2009). E-print  33 pages (Math.PR)


[136] A. Mura and F. Mainardi:

“A class of self-similar stochastic processes with stationary increments to model anomalous diffusion in physics”, 

Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol. 20, No 3-4, pp. 185-198 (2009)

 E-print  14 pages (Probability, Mathematical Physics)


[135] R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and  A. Vivoli :

“Subordination in fractional diffusion processes via continuous time random walk”,

In H.G.W. Begehr and F. Nicolosi (Editors) : More Progresses in Analysis,

Proceedings of the 5-th Int. ISAAC Congress, Catania (Italy), 25-30 July 2005.

World Scientific, Singapore 2009, pp. 451-466. ISBN 978-981-283-562-8;


[134] A. Mura, M.S. Taqqu  and F. Mainardi:

“Non-Markovian diffusion  equations and processes: analysis and simulation”,

Physica A, Vol. 387, pp. 5033-5064  (2008),

E-print       45 pages (Mathematical Physics)


[133] R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi:

“Continuous time random walk, Mittag-Leffler waiting time and fractional diffusion:

mathematical aspects”, Chap. 4  In  R. Klages, G. Radons and I.M. Sokolov(Editors):

“Anomalous  Transport: Foundations and Applications”,  Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,

Germany, 2008, pp. 93-127. [ISBN: 978-3-527-40722-4].

E-print   36 pages (Cond Mat; Stat-Mech)


[132]  F. Mainardi, and G. Pagnini  :

“ Mellin-Barnes integrals for stable distributions and their convolutions”,

 Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 11, pp. 443-456 (2008).

[131] F. Mainardi, A. Mura, G. Pagnini and  R. Gorenflo:
 “Time-fractional diffusion of  distributed order”,
  Journal of Vibration and Control,  vol. 14, pp. 1267-1290 (2008),.

[130]  F. Mainardi and R. Gor`enflo:
“Time-fractional derivatives in relaxation processes: a tutorial survey”,  
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 10 No 3  pp. 269-308 (2007).

[129] F. Mainardi, A. Mura,  R. Gorenflo and M. Stojanovic,
 “The two forms of fractional relaxation of distributed order”,
  Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 13, pp. 1249-1268  (2007).

[128]  F. Mainardi, and G. Pagnini  :
“The role of the Fox-Wright  functions in  fractional subdiffusion of distributed   order”, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 207, pp.  245-257 (2007).

[127] F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo and A. Vivoli  :
 “Beyond the Poisson renewal process: a tutorial survey”,
  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 205, pp. 725-735 (2007).

[126] F. Mainardi, A. Mura, G. Pagnini and  R. Gorenflo:
 “Sub-diffusion equations of fractional order and their fundamental solutions”,
  in K. Tas, J. A. Tenreiro-Machado and D. Baleanu (Editors):
  Mathematical Methods in Engineering,
  Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht  2007, pp. 23-55.  ISBN 978-1-4020-2 (HB).

[125] F. Mainardi, G. Pagnini and R. Gorenflo :
 “Some aspects of fractional diffusion  equations of single and   distributed  order”,
  Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol.187, pp. 295-305 (2007).

[124] R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and  A. Vivoli :
“Continuous time random walk and parametric subordination in fractional diffusion”,
   Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 34, pp. 87-103 (2007).

[123]  F. Mainardi and S. Rogosin :
  “The origin of infinitely divisible distributions:
  from de Finetti's problem to L\'evy-Khintchine formula”,
  Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, pp. 37-55 (2006).
Universitą Ca' Foscari di Venezia -   Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata,
  ISSN: 1971-6419 (Print Edition).
ISSN: 1971-3878 (Electronic Edition)

[122] F. Mainardi, G. Pagnini  and R. Gorenflo :
  “Mellin convolution for subordinated stable processes”,
  Journal of  Mathematical  Sciences, Vol. 132, No 5, pp. 637-642 (2006).

[121] R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
 “Fractional relaxation of  distributed order”,
  in  M. Novak (Editor):
  "Complexus Mundi: Emergent Patterns in Nature",
  World Scientific, Singapore, 2006, pp. 33-42. ISBN 981-256-666-X (HB)

[120]   F. Mainardi, A. Vivoli and R. Gorenflo:
 "Continuous time random walk and time fractional diffusion:
   a numerical comparison between the fundamental solutions",
   Fluctuation and Noise Letters, Vol.5 No 2, pp.  L291-L297 (2005).
[119]    R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
  "Simply and multiply scaled diffusion limits for continuous time random walks",
IOP  Journal of Physics: Conference  Series,  Vol. 7, pp.1-16 (2005).
Issue edited by S. Benkadda, X. Leoncini and  G. Zaslavsky,
Invited Lecture, International Workshop on Chaotic Transport and Complexity  in Fluids and Plasmas, Carry Le Rouet (France) 20-25 June 2004,

[118] R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
 "Power laws, random walks, and fractional diffusion processes as well scaled  refinement limits",
 in  A. Le M\'ehaut\'e, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, J.C. Trigeassou, J.Sabatier   (Editors),
 Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, U Books (2005). pp. 497-516.
    [ISBN 3-86608-026-3]
[117]    E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and M.M. Meerschaert :
 "Speculative option valuation and the  fractional diffusion equation",
  in    A. Le M\'ehaut\'e, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, J.C. Trigeassou, J.Sabatier (Editors),
   Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, U Books (2005),  pp. 265-274.
   [ISBN 3-86608-026-3]

 [116]   F. Mainardi, G. Pagnini and R.K. Saxena :
   "Fox $H$ functions in fractional diffusion",
   J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol 178 No1-2 (2005) pp 321-331.

[115]   F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo and A. Vivoli  :
 "Renewal processes of Mittag-Leffler and Wright type",
 Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 8, No 1, pp. 7-38 (2005).

[114]    E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo, H. Luckcock, F. Mainardi, M. Mantelli
 and  M. Raberto : "On the intertrade waiting-time distribution",
Financial Letters, Vol. 3, No 1, pp. 38-43 (2005).

[113]    E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo, H. Luckcock, F. Mainardi, M. Mantelli
  and M. Raberto : "Anomalous waiting times in high-frequency financial data",
  Quantitative Finance, Vol. 4, pp. 695-702 (2004).

[112]  R. Gorenflo, A. Vivoli  and F. Mainardi,
  "Discrete and continuous random walk models for space-time fractional diffusion",
    Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 38, pp. 101-116 (2004).
[111]   F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo and E. Scalas :
  "A fractional generalization of the Poisson processes"
  Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 32, SI,  pp. 53-64 (2004).

 [110] F. Mainardi :
  "Applications of integral transforms in fractional diffusion processes",
  Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol. 15, No 6, pp. 477-484 (2004).

[109]    F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo and E. Scalas :
 "A renewal process of Mittag-Leffler type",
  in M. Novak (Editor),
 Thinking in Patterns: Fractals and Related Phenomena in Nature,
  World Scientific, Singapore 2004; pp. 35-46 (ISBN 981-238-822-2).

[108]  E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
  "Uncoupled continuous-time random walks: Solution and limiting behavior
    of the master equation", Physical Review E, Vol. 69, pp. 011107/1-8 (2004).


 [107]    F. Mainardi, G. Pagnini and R. Gorenflo :
 "Mellin transform and subordination laws in fractional diffusion  processes",
   Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 441-459 (2003).

 [106]   R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
"Fractional diffusion processes: probability distributions and continuous time random walk",   In: G. Rangarajan and M. Ding (Editors),
“Processes with Long Range Correlations”,
 Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2003, pp. 148-166. [Lecture Notes in Physics, No. 621]

[105]   F. Mainardi and G. Pagnini :
 "The Wright functions as solutions of the time-fractional diffusion   equations",
  Applied Mathematics and Computation,  Vol. 141 No 1, pp.  51-66 (2003)

[104]   F. Mainardi and G. Pagnini :
  Salvatore Pincherle: the pioneer of the Mellin-Barnes integrals,
  J. Computational and Applied  Mathematics, Vol  153, pp. 331-342 (2003).

[103] E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and M. Raberto :
  "Revisiting the derivation of the fractional diffusion equation",
  Fractals,  Vol. 11, Suppl. S,  pp. 281-289 (2003).

[102]   F. Mainardi and G. Pagnini :
 "The fundamental solutions of the time-fractional diffusion  equation",
  in  M. Fabrizio, B. Lazzari and A. Morro (Editors),
  “Mathematical Models and Methods for Smart Materials”,
     World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, pp.  207-224.
  [Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, Vol. 62]
[101]   F. Mainardi and G. Pagnini :
  "Space-time-fractional diffusion: exact solutions and probability   interpretation,
   in  R. Monaco, M. Pandolfi Bianchi and S. Rionero (Editors),
  “11-th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media” (WASCOM 2001)
World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, pp.  296-301..
 [Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, Vol. ??]

[100]  M.  Raberto, E. Scalas and F. Mainardi :
 "Waiting-times and returns in high-frequency  financial data: an empirical study",
 Physica A,  Vol. 314, No 1-4, pp. 751-757 (2002).

[99]  R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi, D. Moretti, G. Pagnini, and P. Paradisi :
  "Discrete random walk models for space-time fractional diffusion",
  Chemical Physics, Vol. 284, No 1/2,  pp. 521-544 (2002).

 [98] R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi, D. Moretti and P. Paradisi :
 "Time-fractional diffusion: a discrete random walk approach",
  Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 29, No  1-4, pp. 129-143 (2002).
[97]   R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi, D. Moretti, G. Pagnini and P. Paradisi :
“Fractional diffusion: probability distributions and random walk models”,
  Physica A,  Vol. 305, No 1-2, pp. 106-112 (2002).
[96]   R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
 "Non-Markovian random walk models, scaling and diffusion limits",
   in O. E. Barndorff-Nielsen (Editor),  Mini Proceedings of the 2-nd MaPhySto    (Mathematical Physics and Stochastics  Centre), Conference on
  "L\'evy Processes: Theory and Applications",  pp. 120-128.
   Dept. Mathematics, University of Aarhus, Denmark  21-25 January 2002.
  MPS-misc. 2002-22, Aug. 2002 (ISSN 1398-5957)
 See    PUBLICATIONS 2002, Miscellanea No. 22.
[95]   F. Mainardi, G. Pagnini and R. Gorenflo :
 "Probability distributions as solutions to fractional diffusion equations",
  in O. E. Barndorff-Nielsen (Editor),   Mini Proceedings of the 2-nd MaPhySto Conference on  "L\'evy Processes: Theory and Applications", pp. 197-205.
   Dept. Mathematics, University of Aarhus, Denmark  21-25 January 2002.        MPS-misc. 2002-22, Aug. 2002, pp. 197-205. (ISSN 1398-5957)
See  PUBLICATIONS 2002, Miscellanea No. 22.
[94] J.M. Carcione, F. Cavallini, F. Mainardi and A. Hanyga :
 "Time-domain seismic modelling of constant-Q wave propagation using
    fractional derivatives",
  Pure and Applied Geophys (PAGEOPH)  Vol. 159, pp. 1719-1736  (2002).
[93]   F. Mainardi, M. Raberto, E. Scalas and R. Gorenflo :
  "Survival probability of LIFFE bond futures via the Mittag-Leffler   function",
 in H. Takayasu (Editor),
Empirical Science of Financial Fluctuations - The Advent of Econophysics, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 2002, pp. 195-206.


[ 92]   F. Mainardi : "Linear viscoelasticity",  Chapter 4
in:  A. Guran, A. Bostr\"om, O. Leroy and G. Maze (Editors),
  "Acoustic Interactions with Submerged Elastic Structures, Part IV:
 Nondestructive Testing, Acoustic Wave Propagation and Scattering",
  World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, pp. 97-126. ISBN 981-02-4271-9
  [Vol. 5 on the Series B on Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems]
[91] F. Mainardi : "Transient waves in  linear viscoelastic media",  Chapter 5
 in:  A. Guran, A. Bostr\"om, O. Leroy and G. Maze (Editors),
 "Acoustic Interactions with Submerged Elastic Structures, Part IV:
 Nondestructive Testing, Acoustic Wave Propagation and Scattering",
  World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, pp. 127-161, see above.
 [Vol. 5 on the Series B on Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems]
 [90]  F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo, D. Moretti and P. Paradisi :
  "Random walk models for time-fractional diffusion",
   in    M.M. Novak  (Editor),
     "Emergent Nature: Patterns, Growth and Scaling in the Sciences",
    World Scientific, Singapore 2001, pp. 185-196.
[89]   F. Mainardi, Yu. Luchko and G. Pagnini :
 "The fundamental solution of the space-time fractional diffusion equation",
  Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,  Vol. 4, No 2, 153-192 (2001).

[88]  R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
 "Random walk models approximating symmetric  space-fractional diffusion
  processes",  in: J. Elschner, I. Gohberg and B. Silbermann (Editors),
 "Problems in Mathematical Physics" (Siegfried Pr\"ossdorf Memorial Volume),
  Birkh\"auser Verlag, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 2001, pp. 120-145

 [87] P. Paradisi, R. Cesari, F. Mainardi and F. Tampieri :
   "The fractional Fick's law for non-local transport processes",
  Physica A,   Vol. 293,   pp. 130-142 (2001).
[86] P. Paradisi, R. Cesari, F. Mainardi, A. Maurizi and F. Tampieri :
 "A generalized Fick's law to describe non-local transport processes",
   Phys. Chem. Earth (B)   Vol.  26, No. 4, pp. 275-279 (2001).
[85]    F. Mainardi and P. Paradisi :
   "Fractional diffusive waves",
   J. Computational Acoustics, Vol. 9  N.4, pp. 1417-1436 (2001).
[84]   R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi, E. Scalas  and M. Raberto :
 "Fractional calculus and continuous-time finance III:    the diffusion  limit",
   in  M. Kohlmann and S. Tang (Editors): "Mathematical Finance",
   Birkh\"auser Verlag,     Basel-Boston-Berlin, 2001, pp. 171-180.

 [83]  F. Mainardi, M. Raberto, R. Gorenflo and E. Scalas :
  “Fractional calculus and continuous-time finance II: the waiting-time distribution”,
    Physica A,  Vol. 287, No 3-4,  pp. 468-481 (2000).

[82]    E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
 "Fractional calculus and continuous-time finance",
   Physica A,  Vol. 284, No 1-4,  pp. 376-384 (2000).

[81]    F. Mainardi and R. Gorenflo :
"On Mittag-Leffler-type functions in fractional evolution processes",
  J. Computational and Applied Mathematics,  Vol. 118, No 1-2,  pp. 283-299 (2000).
[80]  R. Gorenflo, Yu. Luchko and F. Mainardi :
 "Wright functions as scale-invariant solutions of the diffusion-wave equation",
  J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 118, No 1-2, pp. 175-191 (2000).
[79]   F. Mainardi and R. Gorenflo :
  "Fractional calculus: special functions and applications",
  in D. Cocolicchio, G. Dattoli and H.M. Srivastava (Editors),
  Advanced Special Functions and Applications,  Aracne, Roma (2000), pp. 165-189.
[78]  M. Raberto, G. Cuniberti, E. Scalas, M. Riani, F. Mainardi and G. Servizi :
 "Learning short-option valuation in the presence of rare events",
 Intl.  Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol. 3, No 3, pp. 563-564 (2000).

[77]  R. Gorenflo, Yu. Luchko and F. Mainardi :
"Analytical properties and applications of the Wright function",
  Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2,  No 4,  pp. 383-414 (1999).

[76]   R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi:
 "Feller fractional diffusion and L\'evy stable motions",
  in O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, S.E. Graversen and T. Mikosch (Editors),
 Mini Proceedings of the MaPhySto Conference on    "L\'evy Processes: Theory and Applications",  Dept.  Mathematics, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 18-22 Jan 1999.  PUBLICATIONS 1999, Miscellanea No. 11, pp. 111-122.
[75]  R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
   "Approximation of L\'evy-Feller diffusion  by random  walk",
  J. Analysis and its Applications (ZAA),  Vol. 18, No 2, pp. 231-246 (1999).

[74] R. Gorenflo, G. De Fabritiis  and F. Mainardi :
   "Discrete random walk models for symmetric L\'evy-Feller diffusion processes",
  Physica A,   Vol. 269,  No 1, pp. 79-89 (1999).

 [73]  F. Mainardi and F. Tampieri :
 "Diffusion regimes in Brownian motion induced by the Basset history force",
 Technical Paper No 1 (ISAO-TP-99/1), ISAO-CNR, Bologna, March 1999, pp. 25.
 [Invited Lecture, Meeting of TAO (Transport in the Atmosphere and  the Oceans) Working Group on Diffusion, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-11 October 1997]
[Invited Lecture, First General Workshop of the ESF Programme TAO:
"Transport in the Atmosphere and the Oceans", Palma de Mallorca, Spain,
8-11 January 1997].
[72]  R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
 "Signalling problem and Dirichlet-Neumann map for time-fractional  diffusion-wave equations", Matimy\'as Matematika,  Vol. 21, pp. 109—118 (1998).
  [Special issue of Matimy\'as Matematika .Official Journal of the
 Mathematical Society of the Philippines), ISSN 0115-6926]]
 Preprint No. A-07/98, Freie Universit\"at Berlin, Serie A Mathematik (1998). pp. 10.  See

[71]  R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and H.M. Srivastava :
 "Special functions in fractional relaxation-oscillation and fractional  diffusion-wave phenomena",  in D. Bainov (Editor),
  Proceedings VIII International Colloquium on Differential Equations,  Plovdiv  1997,  VSP (International Science Publishers), Utrecht (1998), pp. 195-202.
[70] R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
 "Random walk models for  space-fractional diffusion processes",
  Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 1, No 2, 167-190 (1998).
[69] F. Mainardi,  P. Paradisi and R. Gorenflo :
 "Probability distributions generated by  fractional diffusion equations",
Invited Lecture, Workshop on Econophysics, Budapest 21-27 July  1997.
LaTeX Pre-print, Dept. of Physics, Bologna, January 1998, pp. ii +39.
[It would have appeared in J. Kertesz and I. Kondor (Editors),  
Econophysics: an Emerging Science, Kluwer, Dordrecht, book NOT published!]

[68]  R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
  "Fractional calculus and stable probability distributions",
   Archives of  Mechanics,  Vol. 50, No 3,  377-388 (1998).
[67] F. Mainardi :
 "Considerations on fractional calculus: interpretations  and applications",
  in P. Rusev, I. Dimovski, V. Kiryakova (Editors),
    Transform Methods and Special Functions, Varna 1996, pp. 594-597.
   Institute of Mathematics \& Informatics, Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia (1998)  
  (ISBN 954-8986-05-1)  pp. 614 + vi),
[Reprinted  in KEY-NOTES,]
nvited Contribution to Round Table Discussion,
      "Physical and Geometrical Meanings of Fractional Calculus Operators"
     2-nd Int. Workshop  on Transform Methods  and Special Functions,
 Varna, Bulgaria, 23-29 August 1996
[66]  F. Mainardi :
"Applications of Fractional Calculus in Mechanics",
   in P. Rusev, I. Dimovski, V. Kiryakova (Editors),
 Transform Methods and Special Functions, Varna 1996, pp. 309-334.
 Institute of Mathematics \& Informatics, Bulg. Acad. Sci. Sofia (1998).
(ISBN 954-8986-05-1) pp. 614 + vi,
 [Invited Lecture, 2-nd Int. Workshop  on Transform Methods  and
 Special Functions, Varna, Bulgaria, 23-29 August 1996]
[65]  F. Mainardi and P. Paradisi :
 "A model of diffusive waves in viscoelasticity based on fractional  calculus",
  in O.R. Gonzales (Editor):   Proceedings 36-th IEEE CDC97 (Conference on   Decision and Control, 1997), Paper ID 97i15-01 CD ROM, pp.6
[San Diego, California 10-12 December 1997]
[64] F. Mainardi and M. Tomirotti :
“Seismic pulse propagation with constant $Q$ and stable probability distributions”, Annali Geofisica,  Vol. 40, pp.  1311-1328 (1997).
[63] F. Mainardi :
 "Fractional calculus, some basic problems in continuum and statistical mechanics",
  in A. Carpinteri and F. Mainardi (Editors),
  Fractals and Fractional Calculus in  Continuum Mechanics,
 Springer Verlag, Wien  (1997), pp. 291-348.
 Vol. no 378, series CISM Courses and Lecture Notes,  (ISBN 3-211-82913-X)
   [Advanced School held at CISM, Udine, Italy, 23-27 September 1996]
 Reprinted with revisions in NEWS 011201  
[62] R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi :
 "Fractional calculus, integral and  differential equations of fractional order,  
 in A. Carpinteri and F. Mainardi (Editors),
 Fractals and Fractional Calculus in  Continuum Mechanics,
 Springer Verlag, Wien (1997), pp. 223-276.
  Vol. no 378, series CISM Courses and Lecture Notes, (ISBN 3-211-82913-X)
  [Advanced School held at CISM, Udine, Italy, 23-27 September 1996]
  Reprinted with revisions in NEWS 010101

 [61] F. Mainardi:
  "On Linear Differential Equations of Fractional Order",
  in D. Bainov (Editor),
 Proceedings VII International Colloquium on Differential Equations, Plovdiv   1996,
  VSP (International Science Publishers), Utrecht (1997), pp. 221-229.