Francesco MAINARDI web pages |
F. Mainardi: "Fractional Calculus and Waves in
Linear Viscoelasticity",
S. Rogosin and F. Mainardi "The Legacy of A.Ya.
Khintchine's Work in Probability Theory",
ISBN 978-1-904868-64-4,
A Guran, A. De Hoop, D. Guicking and
F. Mainardi (Editors):
Acoustic Interactions with Submerged
Elastic Structures: Part III: Acoustic Propagation and Scattering, Wavelets and
Time Frequency Analysis
(A Herbert Uberall Festschrift Volume,
with a foreword by Hans A. Bethe),
World Scientific,
[Vol. 5 on the Series B on Stability,
Vibration and Control of Systems, Series Editors: Ardeshir Guran & Daniel
J. Inman]
A. Carpinteri
and F. Mainardi (Editors):
"Fractals and Fractional
Calculus in Continuum Mechanics",
published by Springer-Verlag, Wien
(1997) in the series of "CISM Courses and Lectures" (No 378).
This book contains selected lectures
held at the CISM Course including the survey lessons by Gorenflo-Mainardi [62]
and Mainardi [63].
Mainardi (Editor):
Propagation in Viscoelastic Media",
published by Pitman,
(No 52), which contains selected
lectures held at the Euromech 127.