Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
Università di Lecce
Via Arnesano
73100 LecceEngineering Department, University of Cambridge
Trumpington Street, Cambridge UK CB2 1PZ
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 332 869
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 332 744E-mail: silvana.disabatino@unile.it
Degree in Physics, University of Bologna, JULY 1995
Dissertation Title: Modelling Turbulent Inhomogeneous Flows with reference to the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Supervisors : Prof. F. Mainardi, Dr. F. Tampieri and Dr. A. MauriziPresent position
- Assistant Professor at Department of Material Science, Lecce University
- PhD student at Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, UK
Expected defense thesis: Autumn 2003
Title of the PhD thesis: Modelling Air Quality in Urban Areas: an operational perspective
Supervisor: Prof. R. E. Britter
Modelling Pollution Dispersion in Urban Areas
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