PINAZZA Ombretta
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Sezione di Bologna
via Irnerio 46
40126 BolognaTel: 051-2091051
Fax: 051-247244E-mail:
Degree in Physics, University of Bologna, 23 July 1993
Dissertation Title: "Fractal Dimensions and Fractional Calculus: Theory and Applications"
Supervispors: Prof. F. Mainardi and Prof. S. RambaldiPhD in Technical Physics, University of Bologna, 22 July 1997
Dissertation Title: "Wave propagation in non-uniform fluids: sound waves in the atmosphere"
Supervisor: Prof. A. CocchiPresent position: Tecnologo at INFN, Bologna Unit from 1999
Self-Similar Stochastic Processes
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