Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Via Branze, 38 - 25123 BRESCIATel: 030-3715836 (diretto), 030-3715502 (centralino)
Fax: 030-3715503E-mail:
Degree in Physics, University of Bologna, July 1992
Dissertation Title: "Asymptotic Methods for Wave Propagation Problems"
Advisor: Prof. F. MainardiPhD in Hydraulic Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, July 1097
Dissertation Title: "Mathematical Simulation and Experimental Verification of Dam-Break Flows"
Advisor: Prof. U. MaionePresent position: Assistant Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the Università di Brescia, Italy
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Applications to the Dam-Break Problem
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