Rudolf GORENFLO web pages     
update oct 07
update 31mar 01
update 19 apr 01
update 30 oct 07


List of Publications of  Prof. Dr. Rudolf GORENFLO    

2000 - later

168. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Continuous time random walk, Mittag-Leffler waiting
        time and fractional diffusion: mathematical aspects. E-print
        Paper presented at the WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Anomalous Transport: Experimental
        Results and Theoretical Challenges, Physikzentrum Bad-Honnef (Germany),
       12-16 July 2006. Chairmen: R. Klages, G. Radons and I. M. Sokolov. To appear in   
      R. Klages, G. Radons and I.M. Sokolov (Editors), Anomalous  Transport: Foundations
        and Applications”,  Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany,   2007/08.
167. F. Mainardi, A. Mura, G. Pagnini and R. Gorenflo: Time-fractional diffusion of
        distributed order. To appear in Journal of Vibration and  Control.
166. R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and  A. Vivoli: Subordination in fractional diffusion
        processes via continuous time random walk. To appear in ISAAC Proceedings of
        Conference in Catania 2005.
165. F. Mainardi, G. Pagnini, and R. Gorenflo: Some aspects of fractional
        diffusion equations of single and distributed orders.
        Applied Mathematics and  Computation 187 No 1 (2007), 295 - 305.
164. F. Mainardi, A. Mura, G. Pagnini and R. Gorenflo: Sub-diffusion equations of fractional
        order and their fundamental solution.
        In:  K. Tas, J. A. Tenreiro-Machado and D. Baleanu (Editors): Mathematical Methods in
        Engineering,Springer-Verlag, Dorderecht 2007, pp 23-   55.ISBN-10 I-4020-5677-X (HB).
       [International Symposium,  Ankara, Turkey, April 27-29, 2006]
163. F. Mainardi, A. Mura, R. Gorenflo, andM. Stojanović: The two forms of fractional
        relaxation of distributed order.  Journal of Vibration and  Control 13 (2007), 1249-1268.
162. R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and  A. Vivoli:  Continuous-time random walk and parametric
         subordination in fractional diffusion. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007), 87 - 103.
161.  R. Gorenflo and E. A. Abdel-Rehim: Convergence of the Grünwald-Letnikov scheme
         for time-fractional diffusion. 
         Journal of Computational and Applied  Mathematics.  205  (2007), 871 - 881.
         Special issue on "Evolutionary Problems". Guest  Editors: C. Baker, N. Ford and
          K.   Burrage.
160.  F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo and A. Vivoli: Beyond the Poisson renewal process: a tutorial
         survey.  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 205 (2007),    725 - 735.
        Special issue  on "Evolutionary Problems". Guest Editors: C. Baker, N. Ford
         and K.  Burrage.  
159. F. Mainardi, G. Pagnini and R. Gorenflo: Mellin convolution for subordinated
        stable processes. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 132, No. 5, 2006, pp. 637-642
158.  R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi:  Fractional relaxation of  distributed order. In:
         M. Novak (Editor): Complexus Mundi: Emergent Patterns in Nature.
         World Scientific, Singapore, 2006, pp. 33-42.  Proceedings of the Conference
         "FRACTAL 2006", Vienna 12-15 February 2006. ISBN 981-256-666-X.

157.  E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo, H. Luckock, F. Mainardi, M. Mantelli and M. Raberto:
         On the intertrade waiting-time distribution. Finance Letters Vol. 3 No 1 (2005),
          pp. 38-43.
156.  R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Power laws, random walks, and fractional diffusion
         processes as well scaled  refinement limits. In: A. Le M\'ehaut\'e, J.A. Tenreiro
        Machado, J.C. Trigeassou and J. Sabatier  (Editors): Fractional Differentiation and its
        Applications. U-Books (2005), pp. 497-516. [Selected papers of the First IFAC Workshop
        on Fractional  Differentiation and  Applications (FDA'04), Bordeaux (France) 19-21 July
        2004:  Invited Plenary Lecture].
155.  E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and M.M. Meerschaert :
         Speculative option valuation and the  fractional diffusion equation.
         In: A. Le M\'ehaut\'e, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, J.C. Trigeassou and J. Sabatier 
         (Editors).  Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. U-Books (2005), pp. 265-274.
         [Selected papers of the First IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and
         Applications (FDA'04), Bordeaux (France) 19-21 July 2004].
154. A. V. Chechkin, R. Gorenflo and  I. M. Sokolov: Fractional diffusion in inhomogeneous
        media.  Journal of Physics  A: Mathematical and General  38 (2005). L679 - L684.
153. S. Umarov, R. Gorenflo: On multi-dimensional random walk models
        approximating symmetric space-fractional diffusion processes. Fractional Calculus and
        Applied Analysis  8 (2005), 73 - 86.
152. F. Mainardi, R: Gorenflo, A. Vivoli: Renewal Processes of Mittag-Leffler and Wright
        type. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis  8 (2005), 7 - 38.

151. E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo, H. Luckock, F. Mainardi, M. Mantelli and M. Raberto:    
       Anomalous waiting times in high-frequency financial data.
       Quantitative Finance 4 (2004), 695 - 702.
150. F. Mainardi, A. Vivoli and R. Gorenflo : Continuous time random walk and time
        fractional diffusion: a numerical comparison between the fundamental solutions.
        Fluctuation and Noise Letters,  5. No. 2 (2005), L291-L297. Special Issue on 
        Noise in Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, Workshop in Terrasini, Palermo (Italy)
        26-29 July 2004. Guest Editors: W. Ebeling and B. Spagnolo.
149.  S. Umarov and R. Gorenflo: Cauchy and Nonlocal Multi-Point Problems for   
         Distributed Order Pseudo-Differential Equations, Part One.  Zeitschrift für Analysis
         und ihre Anwendungen 24 (2005), No. 3, 449 - 466.
148.  R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Simply and multiply scaled diffusion limits
         for continuous time random walks. In: S. Benkadda, X. Leoncini and G. M. Zaslavsky
         (editors): Chaotic Transport and Complexity in Fluids and Plasmas, pp 1-16.  Journal of
         Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 7 (2005), 1-16. Institute of Physics Publishing.
147. R. Gorenflo and E. A. Abdel-Rehim: Discrete models of time-fractional diffusion in
       a potential well. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 8 (2005), 173 - 200.
146. R. Gorenflo, A. Vivoli and F. Mainardi: Discrete and continuous random walk models for
        space-time fractional diffusion.  Nonlinear Dynamics 38 (2004), 101-116.

145. F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo and E.Scalas: A fractional generalization of the Poisson process.
        Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 32 SI (2004), 53 - 64.
144. R. Gorenflo and E.A. Abdel-Rehim: From power laws to fractional diffusion: the
       direct way. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 32 SI (2004),  65 - 75.
143. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Power laws, random walks, and fractional diffusion
        processes as well-scaled refinement limits. In: A. Le Mehauté, J.  A. Tenreiro Machado,  
        J. C. Trigeassou, J. Sabatier (Editors): First IFAC Workshop on 
        Fractional  Differentiation and its Applications  FDA'04, ENSEIRB, Bordeaux, France,
        July 19-21, 2004. Workshop Proceedings No. 2004-1.    pp 36 - 47.
142. E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi  and M.M. Meerschaert:
        Speculative option valuation and the fractional diffusion equation. In Proceedings as in
        143, pp 234 - 238.
141. F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo, M. Raberto and E.Scalas: Continuous-time finance via
        fractional calculus: theoretical and empirical analysis of waiting-time distributions.
        In Proceedings as in  143, pp 239 - 244.
140. F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo and E. Scalas : A renewal process of Mittag-Leffler type. In:
        M. Novak (Editor):  Thinking in Patterns: Fractals and Related Phenomena in Nature.
        World Scientific, Singapore 2004; pp. 35-46 (ISBN 981-238-822-2). Proceedings of the
        International Conference "FRACTAL 2004" Vancouver (B.C., Canada) 4-7 April 2004.
139. E. Scalas, R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Uncoupled continuous-time
       random walks: analytic solution and limiting behaviour of the master equation.  Physical
       Review E 69 (2004), 011107-1 bis 011107-8,   American Physical Society  1063 - 651X.
138. A. V. Chechkin, R. Gorenflo, I. M. Sokolov, V. Yu. Gonchar: Distributed order
       time-fractional diffusion equation. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 6 (2003),
       259 - 279.
137. F. Mainardi, G. Pagnini and R. Gorenflo: Mellin transform and subordination laws.
        Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 6 (2003), 441-459.
136. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Fractional diffusion processes: probability
       distributions and continuous time random walk. In: Govindan RANGARAJAN and
       Mingzhou DING (Editors): Processes with Long Range Correlations, pp.148 - 166.
 Springer Verlag, Berlin 2003, Lecture Notes in Physics, No. 621.
135. R. Gorenflo and A. Vivoli: Fully discrete random walks for space-time
       fractional diffusion equations. Signal Processing 83, No.11 (2003),  2411 - 2420.
      Special  Issue on   Fractional Signal Processing and Applications,  edited by
       M.D. Ortigueira and J.A. Tenreiro Machado.
134. Rudolf  Gorenflo,  Joulia Loutschko  &  Yuri Luchko: Computatation of the Mittag-
       Leffler function    and its derivative.  Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
5 (2002), 491 - 518.
133.  R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi, D. Moretti, G. Pagnini and P. Paradisi : Fractional
        diffusion: probability distributions and random walk models,   Physica A,  Vol 305
       (2002),  No 1/2, pp. 106-112 (2002).

132. R. Gorenflo: The tomato salad problem in spherical stereology. In: S. I. Kabanikhin
        and V. G. Romanov (Eds): Ill-Posed Problems amd Inverse Problems, pp. 117-134.
        VSP 2002, AH Zeist, The Netherlands.
131. E.Scalas, R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi and M. Raberto: Revisiting the derivation of
       the fractional diffusion equation. In: Fereydoon Family, Mohamed Daoud,
       Hans J. Herrmann and H. Eugene Stanley (Editors): Scaling and Disordered
       Systems. International Workshop and Collection of Articles Honoring Professor
       Antonio Coniglio on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, Paris, France 13 - 14 April 2000.
        Pages 281 - 290.  World Scientific, Singapore, June 2002. ISBN 981-02-4838-5. 
130.R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi, D. Moretti, G. Pagnini and Paradisi: Discrete random walk
        models for space-time fractional diffusion. Chemical Physics  284 No 1/2 (2002), 521 - 541. 
       Special issue on Strange Kinetics. Guest Editors: R. Hilfer,  R. Metzler, A. Blumen,
        and J. Klafter. E-print
129. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Non-Markovian random walk models, scaling and diffusion
         limits. In: Ole E. Barndorf-Nielsen (Editor): Mini-proceedings: 2nd MaPhySto
         Conference on Lévy Processes: Theory and Applications (January 2002).
Miscellanea no. 22, August 2002, pp.120 -128. ISSN 1398-5957. 
         MaPhySto:  Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics, Aarhus, Denmark.
128. Francesco Mainardi, Gianni Pagnini and Rudolf Gorenflo: Probability distributions
       as solutions to fractional diffusion equations. In: Mini-proceedings as in number 129,
       pp. 197 - 205.
127. A. V. Chechkin, R. Gorenflo, and I. M. Sokolov: Retarding sub- and accelerating
       super-diffusion governed by distributed order fractional diffusion equations.
    Physical Review E 66 (2002), pages 046129-1 to 046129-7.
126. Rudolf Gorenflo, Francesco Mainardi, Daniele Moretti and Paolo Paradisi:
       Time-fractional diffusion: a discrete random walk approach. Nonlinear Dynamics  29
        (2002) No (1 - 4), pp. 129 - 143. Special Issue on Fractional Calculus. Guest Editor:
J. A. Tenreiro Machado,Kluwer Academic Publishers.
125. Rudolf Gorenflo, Francesco Mainardi, Daniele Moretti, Gianni Pagnini, Paolo
        Paradisi: Fractional diffusion: probability distributions and random walk models.
        Physica A, Vol. 305 No 1/2 (2002), 106 - 112. Proceedings of NEXT 2001 - 
        International School and Workshop on "Non Extensive Thermodynamics and Physical
        Applications", Villasimius, Cagliari, Italy, 23 - 30 May 2001.
124. F. Mainardi, R. Gorenflo, D. Moretti and P. Paradisi: Random walk models for time-
        fractional diffusion. In: Miroslav M. Novak (editor): Emergent Nature: Patterns,
        Growth and Scaling in the Sciences. World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore,
        Hong Kong (2001), pp. 185 - 195.  Proceedings of the International Conference  
"Fractal  2002", Granada, Spain, March 17 - 20, 2002. ISBN  981-02-4910-1.
123. Francesco Mainardi, Marco Raberto, Enrico Scalas and Rudolf Gorenflo: Survival
        probability of LIFFE Bond futures via the Mittag-Leffler function. In: Hideki Takayasu
       (editor): Empirical Science of Financial Fluctuations. The Advent of Econophysics, pp.
       195 - 206. Springer- Verlag, Tokyo, 2002.
122.BOOK: D.D. Ang, R. Gorenflo, V.K. Le, D. D. Trong:Moment Theory and Some Inverse
        Problems in Potential Theory and Heat Conduction. Lecture Notes in Mathematics
        1792 (2002), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg etc., ISBN 3-540-44006-2.

121. Rudolf Gorenflo and Francesco Mainardi: Random walk models approximating
        space- fractional diffusion processes. In: J. Elschner, I. Gohberg and B. Silbermann
        (eds.):Problems in Mathematical Physics, Siegfried Prößdorf Memorial Volume,
        Proceedings  of the 11-th TMP  Conference, pp. 120-145. Series: Operator Theory:
        Advances  and  Applications, Vol. 121 (2001). Birkhäuser-Verlag Basel/Switzerland.
120. R. Gorenflo, A. Iskenderov and M. Yamamoto: On the regularization of linear and
        nonlinear Abel-type integral equations of first kind. Kuwait Journal of Science and
        Engineering 28 (2)  (2001), 215 - 226.
119. Rudolf Gorenflo, Francesco Mainardi, Enrico Scalas and Marco Raberto:
        Fractional calculus and continuous-time finance III: the diffusion limit.
        In: Michael Kohlmann and  Shanjian Tang (editors): Mathematical Finance.
       Workshop of the Mathematical Finance Research Project, Konstanz,
       Germany, October 5 - 7, 2000., pp. 171 - 180. Birkhäuser: Basel, Boston, Berlin 2001.
118. Francesco Mainardi and Rudolf Gorenflo: On Mittag-Leffler type functions in
        fractional evolution processes. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 118
        (2000), 283 - 299.
117. Francesco Mainardi, Marco Raberto, Rudolf Gorenflo, and Enrico Scalas:
        Fractional Calculus and continuous-time finance II: the waiting-time distribution.
        Physica A  287 (2000), 468 - 481.
116. S. R. Umarov, Yu. F. Luchko and R. Gorenflo: On the Cauchy and multi-point
         problems for PDEs of fractional order. Fractional Calculus & Applied  Analysis 3
        (2000), 249 - 275.
115. R. Gorenflo, Yu. F. Luchko, S. R. Umarov: On some boundary value problems for
        pseudo-differential equations with boundary operators of fractional order.
       Fractional  Calculus & Applied  Analysis 3 (2000), 453 - 468.
114. F. Mainardi and R. Gorenflo: Fractional calculus: special functions and applications.
        In: Decio Cocolicchio, Giuseppe Dattoli and Hari M. Srivastava (editors): Proceedings
        of the Workshop on  Advanced Special Functions and Applications, Melfi  (PZ),  Italy, 9 -
        12 May 1999,  pp. 165 - 188.    ARACNE  Roma  2000.
113. Rudolf Gorenflo, Yuri Luchko and Francesco Mainardi: Wright functions as scale-
        invariant solutions of the diffusion-wave equation. Journal of Computational and
        Applied Mathematics 118 (2000), 175 -191.
112. Enrico Scalas, Rudolf Gorenflo and Francesco Mainardi: Fractional calculus and
        continuous-time finance.  Physica A 284 (2000), 376 - 384.
111. Rudolf Gorenflo, Asaf Iskenderov and Yuri Luchko: Mapping between solutions of frac-
        tional diffusion wave equations. Fractional Calculus & Applied  Analysis (2000), 75 - 86.

1990 - 1999

110. Rudolf Gorenflo, Yuri Luchko & Francesco Mainardi: Analytical properties and
        applications of the Wright function. Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 2 (1999),
        383 - 414. E-print
109. F. Mainardi and R. Gorenflo:  Feller fractional diffusion and Lévy stable motion.  In:
        Ole E. Barndorf-Nielsen, Svend Erik Graversen, Thomas Mikosch (editors):
        Mini-Proceedings: Conference on Lévy Processes: theory and application,
        January 18 -  22, 1999, pp. 111-122. MaPhySto  -  Centre for Mathematical Physics and
        Stochastics, Department of  Mathematical Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
        Miscellanea no. 11, April 1999. ISSN 1398-5957.
108. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Approximation of Lévy-Feller diffusion by random walk.
        Journal for Analysis and its Applications 18 (1999), 231 - 246.
107. R. Gorenflo, Yu. F. Luchko & P. P. Zabrejko: On solvability of linear fractional
       differential equations in Banach spaces. Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 2 (1999), 
       163 - 176.
106. R. Gorenflo and M. Yamamoto: Operator-theoretic treatment of linear Abel integral
      equations of first kind. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 16 (1999),
      137 - 161.
105. Gunter Fleischer, Rudolf Gorenflo, Bernd Hofmann: On the autoconvolution equation
      and total variation constraints. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und  Mechanik 79
      (1999) 3, 149 - 159.
104. Yurii Luchko and Rudolf Gorenflo:  An operational method for solving fractional
        differential equations with the Caputo derivatives. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 24
        (1999), 207 - 233.
103. Rudolf Gorenflo, Gianni De Fabritiis and Francesco Mainardi: Discrete random  
        walk models for symmetric Lévy-Feller diffusion processes.
        Physica A, 269 (1999), No 1, pp  79 - 89.
102. D. D. Ang, R. Gorenflo, D. D. Trong: A multidimensional Hausdorff moment problem:
        regularization by finite moments. Journal for Analysis and its Applications (Zeitschrift
        für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen) 18 (1999) 1, 13 - 25.
101. U. Tautenhahn and R. Gorenflo: On optimal regularization methods for fractional
        differentiation. Journal for Analysis and its Applications 18 (1999), 449 - 467.
100. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Signalling problem and Dirichlet-Neumann map for time-
        fractional diffusion-wave equations. In: Rudolf Gorenflo and Milagros P. Navarro
        (editors):Proceedings: International Conference on Inverse Problems and Applications,
        February 23-27, 1998, University of the Philippines - Diliman. Matimyás  Matematika 21,
        Special Issue August 1998, 109 - 118, ISSN 0115-6926. Matimyás  Matematika is the
        Official Journal of the Mathematical Society of the Philippines. 
99. F. Mainardi, P. Paradisi and R. Gorenflo: Probability distributions
      generated by the fractional diffusion equations.
      [It would have appeared in J. Kertesz and I. Kondor (Editors),  Econophysics: an Emerging
      Science, Kluwer, Dordrecht, the book, although planned, was  NOT published!]
98. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Fractional calculus and stable probability distributions.
      The Archives of Mechanics 50 (1998), 377 - 388.
97. Tran Duc Van, Mai Duc Thanh, R. Gorenflo: A Hopf-type formula for
      Vietnam J. Math. 26 (1998), 385 - 389.
96. R. Gorenflo: The tomato salad problem in spherical stereology. P. Rusev, I. Dimovski, 
    V. Kiryakova (editors): Transform Methods & Special Functions,Varna '96 (Proc. 2nd  
   International Workshop, Varna, Bulgaria, August 24  -  August 29,  1996),  pp 132 - 149
   Institute of Mathematics & Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1998.
95. R. Gorenflo: Afterthoughts on interpretation of fractional derivatives and integrals. 
     P. Rusev,  I. Dimovski,  V. Kiryakova (editors): Transform Methods & Special  
     Functions,Varna '96 (Proc. 2nd  International Workshop, Varna, Bulgaria, August 24  -
     August 29,  1996),  pp 589 - 591. Institute of Mathematics & Informatics, Bulgarian
     Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1998.
94. Rudolf Gorenflo, Anatoly A. Kilbas and Sergei V. Rogosin: On the generalized Mittag-
      Leffler type functions. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 7 (1998), 215 - 224.
93. R. Gorenflo, A. A. Kilbas, S. V. Rogosin: On the properties of a generalized Mittag-Leffler
     function. In Russian.  Doklady Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Belarusi. 1998. Vol. 42, No. 5,
     pp.  34-39.  This paper was reviewed in Mathematical Review MR 2000h:33043.
92. Yuri Luchko and Rudolf Gorenflo: Scale-invariant solutions of a partial differential
      equation of fractional order. Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 1 (1998), 63 - 78.
91. Rudolf Gorenflo and Francesco Mainardi: Random walk models for space-fractional
      diffusion processes. Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 1 (1998), 167 - 192.
90. R. Gorenflo and A. D. Iskenderov: An identification problem for quasilinear divergent
      parabolic equation. Proceedings of the I-st Interntional Conference on Problems of
      Mathematical Economics, Nonsmooth Analysis and Informatics, pp. 219 - 225.
Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku 1997.
89. R. Gorenflo: Fractional calculus: some numerical methods. In: A. Carpinteri and F.
      Mainardi (editors): Fractals and Fractional Calculus in Continuum Mechanics. Springer
      Verlag, Wien and New York, 1997,  pp. 277 - 290.
88. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Fractional calculus: integral and differential equations of
      fractional order. In: A. Carpinteri and F. Mainardi (editors): Fractals and Fractional
     Calculus in Continuum Mechanics. Springer Verlag, Wien and New York, 1997, pp. 223- 276.
87. R. Gorenflo, Yu. F. Luchko and H. M. Srivastava: Operational method for solving
      integral equations with Gauss'  hypergeometric function as a kernel. International  Journal of
      Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 6 (1997), 179 - 200.
86. Rudolf Gorenflo, Francesco Mainardi and Hari M. Srivastava: Special functions
      in fractional relaxation-oscillation and fractional diffusion-wave phenonema. In: D. Bainov
      (editor): Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Differential Equations,
      Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18 - 23 August 1997, pp. 195 - 202. VSP Publishing Company,
      Utrecht 1998, ISBN 90-6764-279-7.
85. Rudolf Gorenflo and Yuri Luchko: An operational method for solving Abel integral
      equations of second kind. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 5 (1997), 47 - 58.
84. D. D. Ang, R. Gorenflo and L. K. Vy: Regularization of a nonlinear integral equation of
      Gravimetry.  Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 5 (1997), 101 - 116.
83. R. Gorenflo and S. Samko: On the Dependence of Asymptotics of s-Numbers of Fractional
      Integration Operators on Weight Functions. Integral  Transforms and  Special Functions 5
      (1997), 191 - 212.
82. R. Gorenflo, T. Medvedeva and B. Rubin: Locally controllable regularization of Abel
      integral equations via operator complementation.  Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems
5 (1997), 427 - 436.
81. Nguyen Van Kinh, Nguyen Minh Chuong and R. Gorenflo: Regularization method for
      nonlinear variational inequalities. Proceedings of Quinhon University 6 (1996), 53 - 64.
80. F. Mainardi and R. Gorenflo: The Mittag-Leffler function in the Riemann-Liouville
      fractional calculus. A. A. Kilbas (editor): Boundary Value Problems,  Special   Functions and
      Fractional Calculus. Proceedings of the International Conference, Minsk, February 16 - 21,
      1996. Belorussian  State University, 1996, pp. 215 - 225.
79. R. Gorenflo: Abel Integral Equations with Special Emphasis on Applications.
 Lectures in Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Graduate
      School of Mathematical Sciences, 13 (1996), 56 pages. ISSN 0919-8180.
78. R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi: Fractional oscillations and Mittag-Leffler  functions.
      International Workshop on the Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics   (RAAM '96), State
      of Kuwait, May 4 - 7,   1996.   Proceedings,  Kuwait University, Department of Mathematics
      & Computer Science. 1996. pp. 193 - 208.
77. Vu Kim Tuan and Rudolf Gorenflo:  Asymptotics of singular values of Volterra
      integral operators. Numerical Functional Analysis and Applications 17(1996), 453 - 461.  
76. Tran Duc Van, Nguyen Hoang and R. Gorenflo: Existence of global quasi-classical
      solutions to the Cauchy problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations (in Russian). Differencialnye
      Uravneniya 31 (1995), 672 - 676. English translation in: Differential Equations 31 (1995),
      624 - 628.
75. D. Ang, L. K. Vy and R. Gorenflo: A uniqueness theorem for a nonlinear integral
      equation of gravimetry. In: V. Lakhshmikantham (editor): World Congress of Nonlinear
      Analysts, '92. Proceedings of the First World Congress of Nonlinear  Analysts, Tampa,
      Florida, August  19 - 26, 1992. Volume III,  2423 - 2430. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and
      New York, 1996.
74. Rudolf Gorenflo and Masahiro Yamamoto: On regularized inversion of Abel integral
      operators. In: N. H. Anh, D. M. Duc, B. D. Khanh, T. D. Van (editors): Analysis and
      Mechanics of Continuous Media. Proceedings of An International Conference HoChiMinh
      City 27 - 29 December 1995 in honor of D. D. Ang. Publications of the HoChiMinh City
      Mathematical Society Vol. 3, 1995, pp. 162 - 182.
73. Kilbas and R. Gorenflo: Asymptotic solution of a nonlinear  Abel-Volterra  integral
      equation of second kind. Journal of Fractional Calculus 8 (1995), 103 - 117.
72. Gorenflo, D. D. Ang and D. D. Thanh: Regularization for a two-dimensional inverse Stefan
      problem.  In item 70 p. 45 - 54.    
71. S. Rutman and R. Gorenflo: Simulation and inversion of fractional integration: a systems
      theory approach.   In item 70 p. 141 - 148.
70.Vu Kim Tuan and R. Gorenflo: Singular values of fractional and Volterra   integral
      operators. In: D. D. Ang, R. Gorenflo, R .S. Rutman T. D. Van, M. Yamamoto (editors):
      Inverse Problems and Applications to Geophysics, Industry, Medicine and Technology.
      Proceedings of the International Workshop on Inverse Problems, 17 - 19 January 1995,
      HoChiMinh City. Publications of the HoChiMinh City Mathematical Society. Vol.  2 (1995), 174 - 185.

69.  A. Kilbas, M. Saigo and R. Gorenflo: On asymptotic solution of nonlinear Abel-Volterra
      integral equations with quasipolynomial free term. Journal of Fractional Calculus 8 (1995),
      75 - 93.
68  Rudolf Gorenflo and Vu Kim Tuan: Singular value decomposition of fractional integration
      operators in spaces with weights. Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems  3 (1995),
67 Vu Kim Tuan and R. Gorenflo:  Extrapolation to the limit for numerical fractional dif-
      ferentiation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 75 (1995), 646 - 648.
66 Vu Kim Tuan and R. Gorenflo: Hardy type inequalities for fractional integral
      operators. In: P. Rusev, I. Dimovski,  V. Kiryakova (editors): Transform Methods and 
      Special Functions (Proceedings International Workshop,12 - 17 August 1994, Sofia,
      Bulgaria), Science Culture Technology  Publishing (SCTP),  Singapore 1994, pp 364-369.
65  R. Gorenflo and R. Rutman: On ultraslow and  intermediate processes. Proceedings as of 
      item 66 p 61 - 81.
64. Vu Kim Tuan and R. Gorenflo:  Asymptotics of singular values  of fractional integration
       operators. Inverse Problems 10 (1994), 949 - 955.
63. Vu Kim Tuan and Rudolf Gorenflo: The Grünwald-Letnikov difference operator and
      regularization of the Weyl  fractional differentiation. Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre
      Anwendungen 13 (1994), 537 - 545.
62. R. Gorenflo and S. B. Yakubovich: On the integral convolution for inverse G-transforms.
      Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 19 (1994), 145 - 154.
61. Vu Kim Tuan and R. Gorenflo: On the regularization of fractional differentiation of
      arbitrary positive order. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 15 (1994),
      695 - 711.
60. Dang Dinh Ang and Rudolf Gorenflo: On nondegenerate and degenerate nonlinear Abel
      integral equations of the first kind. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications
    22 (1994), 63 - 72.
59. A. A. Kilbas, R. Gorenflo and S. B. Yakubovich: On Abel integral equations  of first kind.
      Journal of Fractional Calculus 5 (1994), 59 - 68.
58. R. Gorenflo and B. Hofmann:.On autoconvolution and regularization. Inverse Problems
      10 (1994), 353 - 373.
57. Rudolf Gorenflo and Boris Rubin: Locally controllable regularization of  fractional
      derivatives. Inverse Problems 10 (1994), 881 - 893.
56. D. D. Ang, L. K. Vy and R. Gorenflo: A regularization method for the moment problem.
      In: G. Anger, R. Gorenflo, H. Jochmann, H. Moritz, W. Webers (editors): Inverse
      Problems: Principles and Applications  in  Geophysics, Technology and Medicine
(Proceedings of the International Conference held in Potsdam, August 30 - September 3,
      1993), pp 37 - 44. Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1993.
55. Dang Dinh Ang , R. Gorenflo and Dang Dinh Hai: Regularization of a
      generalized Abel integral equation. Applicable Analysis 45 (1992), 321 - 332.
54. Tran Duc Van, Dinh Nho Hào, R. Gorenflo: Approximating the solution to the Cauchy
      problem and the boundary value problem for the Laplace equation. In: Andreas Vogel,
      Abu K. M. Sarwar, Rudolf Gorenflo, Ognyan I. Kounchev  (editors): Theory and
      Practic  of  Geophysical Data Inversion, pp 35 -48. Vieweg-Verlag, Braunschweig 1992
53. Dinh Nho Hào, Tran Duc Van, Rudolf Gorenflo:  Towards the Cauchy problem for the
      Laplace equation. Partial Differential Equations. Banach Center Publications 27 (1992),
      111 - 128. Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa.
52. Tran Duc Van, Ha Huy Bang, R. Gorenflo: On Sobolev-Orlicz spaces
      of infinite order for a full Euclidean plane. Analysis 11 (1991), 67 - 81.
51. Dinh Nho Hào, R. Gorenflo: An ill-posed problem for the heat equation.
      Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 71 (1991), T 759 - T 762.
50. Dinh Nho Hào and Rudolf Gorenflo: A  noncharacteristic Cauchy problem for the heat
      equation.  Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 24 (1991), 1 - 27.
49. BOOK. Rudolf Gorenflo and Sergio Vessella:  Abel Integral Equations: Analysis and
      Applications. Book. 215 pages. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1461 (1991),
      Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc., ISBN 3-540-53668-X, ISBN 0-387-53668-X.
48. Dang Dinh Ang and R. Gorenflo: A nonlinear Abel integral equation. In: K.-H.
      Hoffmann, W. Krabs (editors): Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations.
      Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 149 (1991), 26 - 37. Springer-
      Verlag Berlin.
47.Tran Duc Van, Dinh Nho Hào, Trinh Ngoc Minh and Rudolf Gorenflo: On the
      Cauchy problem for systems of partial differential equations with a distinguished
      variable. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 12 (1991), 213 - 236.
46. R. Gorenflo and A. Pfeiffer: On analysis and discretization of nonlinear Abel integral
      equations of first kind. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 16 (1991), 211 - 262.
45. Tran Duc Van, R. Gorenflo, Le Van Hap: Sobolev-Orlicz spaces of infinite
      order and nonlinear differential equations. Analysis 10 (1990), 231 - 245.
44. R. Gorenflo and A. Pfeiffer: Diskretisierung nichtlinearer Abelscher Integralgleichungen
      erster Art. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 70 (1990), T 564 - T 565.
43.  R. Gorenflo: On stabilizing the inversion of Abel integral operators. In:
      K. Nishimoto (editor): Fractional Calculus and Its Applications. Proceedings of the
      International Conference Held at the Center of Nihon University, Tokyo, May 29 -
      June 1, 1989,  pp.44 -51.  College of Engineering, Nihon University (Japan) 1990.

1980  - 1989

42. R. Gorenflo: Abel integral equations: applications-motivated solution concepts. In:
      Bruno Brosowski and Erich Martensen(editors): Optimization in Mathematical Phy-
      sics. Methoden und Verfahren der Mathematischen Physik 34 (1987), 151 - 174.
41. R. Gorenflo: Newtonsche Aufheizung, Abelsche Integralgleichungen zweiter Art
      und Mittag-Leffler-Funktionen. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 42a (1987), 1141 - 1146.
40.  R. Gorenflo: Computation of rough solutions of Abel integral equations.
      In: H. W. Engl and C. W. Groetsch (editors): Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems,
      pp 195 - 210. Academic Press, Boston 1987.
39. R. Gorenflo: Nonlinear Abel integral equations: applications, analysis, numerical
      methods. In: P. C. Sabatier (editor): Inverse Problems, an Interdisciplinary 
      Study, pp 243 - 259 . Academic Press, London 1987.
38. R. Gorenflo: Approximation of discrete probability distributions in spherical stereology.
      In: J. R. Cannon and U. Hornung (editors): Inverse Problems. International Series of
      Numerical Mathematics  77 (1986), 103 - 115.
37. R. Gorenflo: Historische, heuristische und numerische Meditationen über den
      Logarithmus. Didaktik der Mathematik 13 (1985), 272 - 284.
36. R. Gorenflo: Analysis of parabolic difference schemes by Gerschgorin's method.
      Annales Polonici Mathematici  XLII (1983), 83 - 91.
35. R. Gorenflo and S. Kiesner: Über das Il'in-Differenzenschema für die Diffusions-
      Konvektions-Gleichung. International Series of Numerical Mathematics 58 (1982), 73 - 89.
34. R. Gorenflo and Angelika Kuban: Numerische Simulation von Diffusions-
      prozessen mit nichtnegativitätserhaltenden konservativen Differenzenverfahren.
      Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 37a (1982), 759 -768.
33. R. Gorenflo and Marianne Niedack: Conservative difference schemes for diffusion 
      problems with boundary and interface conditions.  Computing  25 (1980), 299 - 316.
32. R. Gorenflo and M. Hilpert: On the continuity of convexly constrained interpola-
      tion. In: E. W. Cheney (editor.): Approximation Theory  III, 449 - 453. Academic
      Press, New York 1980.
31. R. Gorenflo: Energy conserving discretizations of diffusion problems.  Colloquia 
      Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai 22 (1980), 239 - 262.

1970 - 1979

30. R. Gorenflo: On conservative Galerkin discretization of diffusion problems. In: Rainer
      Kress and Norbert Weck (editors): Free and Mixed Boundary Value Problems. Metho-  
      den und Verfahren der Mathematischen Physik 18 (1979), 173 - 185. Verlag Peter
      Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
.29. R. Gorenflo: Numerical treatment of Abel integral equations. In: G. Anger (editor):
      Inverse and Improperly Posed Problems in Differential Equations. Mathematische
      Forschung  1 (1979), 125 - 133. Akademie-Verlag Berlin.
28. R. Gorenflo: Conservative difference schemes for diffusion problems. In: J. Albrecht,
      L. Collatz, G. Hämmerlin: Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen mit
      besonderer Berücksichtigung freier Randwertaufgaben. International Series of
      Numerical Mathematics  39 (1978), 101 - 124. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel und Stuttgart.
27.R. Gorenflo and H. J. Schaum: Monoton einschließende Iterationsverfahren
     für inversisotone Diskretisierung nichtlinearer Zei-Punkt- Randwertaufgaben zweiter Ordnung. In: R. Ansorge und W. Törnig (editors): Numerische Behandlung nichtlinearer Integrodifferential- und differentialgleichungen. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 395 (1974),177 - 198 
26. R. Gorenflo: Über S. Gerschgorins Methode der Fehlerabschätzung bei Differenzen-
      verfahren.  In: R. Ansorge und W. Törnig (editors): Numerische, insbesondere
      approximationstheoretische Behandlung von Funktionalgleichungen. Lecture Notes
      in Mathematics 333 (1973), 128 - 143.
25. Maria Grazia  Croci, R. Gorenflo and F. Hertweck: Calculation of the current
      flow directions in a channel with staggered electrodes under MHD generator conditions.
      Methoden und Verfahren der Mathematischen Physik 6  (1972), 1 - 39.
24. R. Gorenflo: Behandlung ebener magnetohydrostatischer Gleichgewichtsprobleme
      mit komplexer Analysis. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Theoretische Geodäsie der   
     Universität Bonn, Nr. 4, Bonn 1972: In: E. Grafarend and E. Weck (editors): Tagung   
     "Freie Randwertaufgaben", pp. 2 -18.
23. R.- Gorenflo: Differenzenschemata monotoner Art für schwach gekoppelte Systeme  
      parabolischer Differentialgleichungen mit   gemischten Randbedingungen.  Computing 8
    (1971), 343 - 362.
22. R. Gorenflo: On difference schemes for parabolic differential equations with derivative                  
      boundary conditions. In: J. Ll. Morris (editor): Conference on Applications of Numeri-
      cal Analysis. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 228 (1971), 57 - 69.     
21. R. Gorenflo: Differenzenschemata monotoner Art  für lineare parabolische Randwert-
      aufgaben. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 51  (1971), 595 - 610.
20. R. Gorenflo: Nichtnegativitäts- und substanzerhaltende Differenzenschemata für  lineare
      Diffusionsgleichungen. Numerische Mathematik 14 (1970), 448 - 467.
19. R. Gorenflo: Monotone Differenzenschemata für parabolische   Differentialgleichungen mit
      nichtlinearen Randbedingungen. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 50
      (1970), T 45 -T 47

1960 - 1969

18. R. Gorenflo: Diskrete Diffusionsmodelle und monotone Differenzenschemata für 
      parabolische Differentialgleichungen. Methoden und Verfahren der Mathemati-
      schen Physik 1 (1969), 143 - 162. Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim.
17. H. Göllnitz, E. Heidbreder, K. Pinkau, C. Reppin, V. Schönfelder and R. Gorenflo:
      Design of a neutron scattering chamber using Monte Carlo calculations. Nuclear Instruments
      and Methods 74 (1969), 109 - 122.
16. R. Gorenflo: Monotonic difference schemes for weakly coupled systems of parabolic
      equations. In: J. Ll. Morris (editor): Conference on the Numerical Solution of Differen-
      tial Equations. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 109 (1969), 160 - 167. Springer-Verlag
15. R. Gorenflo: Differenzenverfahren vom Irrfahrttypus für die Differentialgleichung  von
      Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov.  Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 48
      (1968), T 69 - T 72.
14. R. Gorenflo, Maria Grazia Pacco and B. M. U. Scherzer: Monte Carlo simulation of a
      Knudsen gas flow with due allowance for the sojourn time. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physik
      22 (1967), 500 - 505.
13. R. Gorenflo: Funktionentheoretische Bestimmung der Dichte elektrischer Ströme, die ein in
      einem Gebiet vorgegebenes ebenes Magnetfeld erzeugen. Zeitschrift für Angewandte
       Mathematik und Mechanik 47 (1967), T 145 - T 147.
12. R. Gorenflo and H. Welter: Berechnung des ebenen Magnetfeldes paralleler Leiter endlicher 
      Dicke mittels komplexer Analysis. Archiv für Elektrotechnik 51 (1967), 255 - 261.
11. R. Gorenflo and A. Schlüter:  Ebene magnetohydrostatische Gleichgewichte mit Innenfeld.
      Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 47 (1967), 145 - 153.
10. R. Gorenflo and Yehudith Kovetz: Solution of an Abel type integral equation in the pre-
      sence of noise by quadratic programming. Numerische Mathematik 8 (1966), 392 - 406.
9.  R. Gorenflo: Computation of an integral transform of Abel's type in the presence of
      noise by quadratic programming. Proceedings of IFIP Congress 1965, Vol. 2, 575 - 576,
      New York 1965.
8.  R. Gorenflo: Lösung einer Abelschen Integralgleichung bei Anwesenheit von
      Störungen mittels quadratischer Optimierung.
      Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 45  (1965), T 33 - T 35.
7.  R. Gorenflo: Funktionentheoretische Bestimmung des Außenfeldes  einer
      zweidimensionalen magnetohydrostatischen Konfiguration.
      Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 16 (1965), 279 - 290.
 6.  R. Gorenflo: Eine Anwendung der Funktionentheorie in der Magnetohydrostatik.
      Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 44 (1964), T 31 - T 32.
5.  R. Gorenflo: Über Pseudozufallsgeneratoren und ihre statistischen Eigenschaften.
      Biometrische Zeitschrift 7 (1965), 90 - 93.
4.  R. Gorenflo: Über ganze transzendente Funktionen von regelmäßigem Wachstum.
      Mathematische Annalen 146 (1962), 226 - 231.
3.  R.  Gorenflo: Über die singulären Stellen der Lösungen nichtlinearer Differential-
      gleichungen. Archiv der Mathematik 12 (1961), 188 - 192.
2.  R. Gorenflo: Über die Zentralindices der Ableitungen einer ganzen transzendenten    
      Funktion. Archiv der Mathematik 12  (1961), 113 - 117.
1.  R. Gorenflo: Über die Wiman-Valironsche Potenzreihenvergleichsmethode und  ihre
     Anwendung in der Theorie der ganzen transzendenten Funktionen. 92 pages.
      DissertationTechnische Hochschule Karlsruhe 1960. Supervisor: Hans Wittich.
0.   R. Gorenflo: Meromorphe periodische Funktionen endlicher Ordnung. Diploma Thesis.
      73 pages. Technische Hochschule Karlsruhe, 1956. Not published.
      Supervisor: Hans Wittich.